Hi guys, thank you for checking out my latest blog post. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote. In my last blog I spoke about my business challenges about my retail display and the one farmers market I was part of last season. Those all vanished, sales dropped 95% and then March came along.
I entered in the Tampa's Business Children Fair. I won "Best Presentation" in the 9-11 age group. I had a lot of fun at this fair. I was only allowed to sell my bath & shower bombs because all the kids had to make their own products. Adult's couldn't really help. Me and my brother made everything, I did get help from Dad on the shrink wrap & him using the heat gun. But other than that... it was all me and my little brother. I pulled my wagon in, set up the table cloth, built my display, kept it stocked, talked to customers and handled money all myself. I'm not sure why they call it a "business fair". It was like a farmers market but kids were vendors.
I bought slime, handmade crayons, cookie, brownie & something called a "coco bomb". All these things were made by kids. These Kid Business Fairs are held throughout the country and if one is in your area, check them out. I had so much fun, I signed up for the next two Children's Business Fairs. I hope these fairs will replace the need of me doing the big farmers markets. I did enjoy those too but it required adult help with setting up and selling.
The next two fairs will be: Saturday April 30th at Pop Stansell Park 797 Florida Ave Palm Harbor, FL from 10am-1pm. The other one will be Saturday June 18th from 11am-2pm at 101 Adventure Ct. Davenport, FL. Please come out and support my booth and the other kid booths too.
I will be traveling to Sebastian on April 24th from 12-2pm for the Elk's Quarter Auction (731 S. Fleming Street Sebastian, FL). I was part of this last year when I first launched my business and had a lot of fun and support. I hope that you'll come out and support my shop again and raise money for their charity.
As you know I am in talks to be in another boutique in Tampa come June. The store is being remodeled and if everything works out I'll have a display come June. That is still on track and I will keep you posted on that.
What's new is that I have a display at a new shop in Clearwater called Toscano Interiors & Showroom which is located at 819 Court Street Clearwater, FL 33756. https://www.facebook.com/toscanointeriors This new shop is an interior designer and part showroom. I was lucky enough to get some of my bath & shower bombs in this location. I'll be posting pictures in the future.
Well, guys.... Thank you for reading this months blog. Check back again next month for new updates!